
Sick and Tired of My Fears

My book is absolutely free for download, however, if you would like to make a donation to my causes that would be great! I am working to host online art workshops for kids and kid-friendly contest. Kids from all over the world will be able to showcase their art-work and writings. If you would like to donate, click the button below.

Kids Short Story Submission

Hi! I am working on my second book and would like to include other kids short stories and poems about overcoming your fears. If you are between the ages of 6-12 years old and you would like to share your story of hope, encouragement, etc that in inspiring and motivating please visit the link below.

Submit Your Story Here

My first book reviews!

"Leslie I really enjoyed reading your book thank you." Ryan (9 years old)

"Thank you so much for sharing Leslie's book. It is wonderful, please tell her to keep inspiring others, I am certainly inspired! " Ava

"Wow! I am at a loss for words! I couldn't stop smiling as I read it. Leslie did a fantastic job writing about her fears and how she was able to overcome them. I think that can be very inspiring for other children who are feeling like she did. It is very well written and I love the art she included. She is very talented and I am proud to say that she is my student. I hope she never gives up on her dreams. She is very driven and I know she will move mountains. Please let her know how proud I am of her!" Thank you for sharing- Ms. Bloodworth

"Leslie keep up the good work, you are a forward-thinker and soon to be an amazing leader" Sandra

Download A Copy of My Book Here